In earlier times different peoples in different places would wear objects for good luck or protection. Often these objects would be fashioned by a shaman , holy man, magician, or holy man familiar with such craft. They were variously called Bracteates , Amulets, Talismans or just good luck charms. They might be carved in bone or stone or even wood. They might include precious stones or metals all fashioned according to the formula of the shaman or magician.What i am calling NRG STONZ are fashioned in a similar matter. NRG stands for natural resonant geometry. The entire cosmos in fashioned by geometry and when based on certain patterns ( patterns that resonate) energy is produced and with proper patterns positive energy is produced. I should mention here that this is subtle energy which effects change over time and not lightening bolt energy which transfers energy all at once.It all begins with an idea. This geometry may take many forms. It may be Runic characters or it may be crystals or it may be a pictograph or ideogram or combinations of the above. Purposes may vary also, protection from evil spirits is high on the list and providing good fortune is a very close second. Good health and specific remedies are other reasons such objects were made and worn. My goal is to re-introduce such objects that may be worn or carried in pocket or purse for just such reason. GOOD FORTUNE AND WELL BEING. I do not attach specific purpose as i feel a person will choose the appropriate stone by recognition of what is needed by them.This process of choosing an NRG STON is not so much rational as it is intuitive.And while not being made for a specific purpose : ALL STONZ ARE TESTED FOR POSITIVE ENERGY by pendulum.


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